Install Microsoft Authenticator On Laptop
install microsoft authenticator on laptop

Why Microsoft Authenticator?The SAASPASS Windows PC Computer Connector will work on any personal/individual computer or on any computer networked with active directory. All LastPass users (Free, Premium, Families, Teams and Enterprise) can now use Microsoft Authenticator to protect their vault. Today, LastPass users can now activate Microsoft Authenticator as their multi-factor authentication for their LastPass account. Anytime you are connected to the Widener network, you will NOT be prompted for MFA authentication.You have the option to check the box: Don’t ask again for 60 days It is recommended to check the box if it is your University asset or personal device.Use Microsoft Authenticator for easy, secure sign-ins for all your online accounts using multi-factor authentication, passwordless, or password autofill.Looking to strengthen the security of your LastPass account? We’re introducing one more way for you to take your security to the next level. Once you have completed all steps above, on your next Microsoft 365 logon you will see this APPROVE Sign in Request on your computer screen.

Microsoft Authenticator On Laptop Install The Microsoft

On your mobile device, a message will appear.In the case of Microsoft Authenticator, a six-digit code is generated by the app on your phone. Scan the image on your Roy Hill laptop or desktop. Select your account name in the top right, then select Profile 3.To setup Microsoft Authenticator, Click the following. On your computer, go to and sign in if requested 2. Microsoft Updates Intune Boosting their Education Offering to Compete with Chromebook Management.Changing your MFA authentication method to the Microsoft Authenticator app First install the Microsoft Authenticator app on your phone or tablet which is available for Windows Phone, Android and iOS. Even if someone were to steal your master password, they would need the MFA code generated by the app to gain access to the aims to easily manage 30 or 40 laptops per classroom.

Click the LastPass extension icon in your browser toolbar or log in at Enabling and logging in with the Microsoft Authenticator AppReady to use Microsoft Authenticator? After you’ve downloaded the Microsoft Authenticator app to your Android, iOS, or Windows Phone, here’s how you can log in to your vault to turn on Microsoft Authenticator: Microsoft Authenticator is just one of about a dozen multi-factor options we currently support. Note that LastPass only supports the 6-digit codes and does not support push notifications with the Microsoft Authenticator app at this time.Microsoft Authenticator is a popular MFA option for businesses, and we believe in giving LastPass users as many options as possible and working to support the technology you’ve already invested in.

install microsoft authenticator on laptop

That means your account will still be protected with MFA, but you won’t have to re-enter the code on that computer for a while.As an admin for a Teams or Enterprise account, you can also mandate the use of Microsoft Authenticator for all LastPass users. If you’re on a secure computer where you don’t want to enter your MFA code every time you login, select the option to “trust” the device for the next 30 days. Look at the app to type in the code that’s displayed.

...install microsoft authenticator on laptopinstall microsoft authenticator on laptop